Stephen Humphreys

Name: Stephen Humphreys
Role Board member
Stephen Humphreys


Stephen Humphreys is a former civil servant with 39 years’ experience of the justice system in both England, Wales and Scotland, most recently as an Executive Director of the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service and the first Director of the Judicial Office for Scotland.

Among a number of roles before moving to Scotland, he was Chief Executive of the Law Commission of England and Wales, and a Corporate Secretary to the Lord Chancellor’s Department overseeing the arrangements for corporate governance and strategic planning. He was responsible for the system of appointment to a range of judicial office and led policy development for civil legal aid, legal aid remuneration and the policy on the award of costs in civil proceeding in England and Wales.

  • Term of appointment: 01/04/18 - 31/3/22
  • Reappointment: 01/04/22 - 31/03/26 (details).