For any cases which have resolved before the commencement of formal proceedings, you can admit your client to Advice and Assistance in the usual way, applying the usual financial eligibility test.

You should also submit an increase in authorised expenditure to £600 to allow the fixed fee to be paid under the grant of advice and assistance.

In the increase details section of this, you should explain the circumstances which have led to the resolution of the case before the proceedings have commenced.

If the case is being dealt with in one of the pilot areas (Dundee, Hamilton, or Paisley), you should also advise us of this. As the regulations allow for a £600 expenditure limit for these cases, the increase will be ‘granted’ from the effective date of the grant of Advice and Assistance.

On obtaining the appropriate increase in expenditure you should access the on-line account in the normal manner and proceed to the work breakdown tab.

On selecting Add Work Item you can then scroll / search for the new fee entitled Regulation 3 Fixed Fee – where case resolved prior to the proceedings commencing as shown in following screenshot:

Image showing Work Item screen with search enable on scroll menu showing the new fee, entitled 'Regulation 3 Fixed Fee – where case resolved prior to the proceedings commencing'.

It is then optional to provide further supporting detail.

Image showing Work Item screen and comment box option for providing further details, if required.

On clicking Save & Close the fee will be generated.

Image showing system Work Items list, which is a summary of entries to select and edit from.

You can then submit your claim in the normal manner.