Upcoming research with recipients of Children’s legal assistance

We have commissioned the independent research company Progressive Partnership  to undertake research with a sample of adults who received recently.

Progressive Partnership will be contacting people to invite them to take part in an interview from the end of March. The interviews will start in late April and end in early June.

This research will tell us more about the experience of adults who have used legal assistance to have a solicitor with them at a Children’s panel hearing. The research will cover topics such as:

  • How they found and chose their solicitor
  • Engagement and communication with their solicitor
  • How their solicitor helped them.

Once the research report is complete, we will share the findings on our website.

Taking part in the research is voluntary and responses are confidential. It will not be possible to identify any individual respondents, private practice solicitors, firms or our staff in the reporting.

For more information on how we process your personal data, including the rights you have, please see our privacy notice at slab.org.uk/site-pages/privacy-policies.

Progressive Partnership’s privacy and data collection statement is also on their website at progressivepartnership.co.uk/privacy-data-collection.

Further information

If you would like to know more about the research, please contact our Research team on research@slab.org.uk.

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