Qualitative research with Children’s legal assistance solicitors

We are planning qualitative research with solicitors who provide Children’s legal assistance, which will take place during May and June 2023.

It will involve interviewing solicitors who gave permission for us to contact them when they took part in our 2022 survey of solicitors providing children’s legal aid.

Responses to the 2022 survey findings has helped us identify topics for the qualitative research. Topics that we are interested in discussing further include details on solicitors’ experience of hearings, including virtual hearings, and their approach to child clients.

A brief summary of the quantitative survey findings is published on our website’s Research publications page.

Relevant solicitors will shortly receive an email with more details from our research team.

We will also publish a full findings report, including feedback from the survey and the qualitative research, later in 2023.

Further information

Please contact our Research team at research@slab.org.uk if you have any questions.

Download the brief summary report

File Type Size
May 2023: Interim research summary - Children’s legal assistance 125 KB | 18 May 2023 PDF 125 KB

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