New restricted access option on LAOL for law accountants

We would like to update you on a new accounts product going live from the 23 April 2019.

Currently, you can give their law accountant admin access to LAOL. This allows unrestricted access to your firm’s cases.

We have now developed a third party access solution allowing you to restrict access for law accountants to specified cases only.

This third party access will enable your law accountant to access the draft account facility for all aid types. However, they will only be able to see and frame accounts for the cases that you provide reference numbers for.

Some of the benefits of using LAOL are:

  • The system automatically calculates fees and mileage
  • Application details such as increases and sanctions are visible when drafting the account.
  • There’s a facility to attach documents directly to the synopsis/case conclusion form. This means that you don’t need to send these to us by post.
  • You can attach documents, such as vouchers for outlays, directly to the work item
  • We’ve included checks to help you make sure that you’ve included all the necessary documentation.
  • The online synopsis form will filter relevant questions based on the type of case so that we only ask you for the information we need.
  • Where there is no property recovered or preserved, the online synopsis will be automatically approved and you the solicitor will receive a notification so that they can send the account straight to the Accounts Department.
  • Instead, of paper correspondence, firms receive online notifications telling them about the progress of the synopsis/case conclusion form.

How to set up a law accountant user for your Firm

From the firm administration function select ‘Create user’

Select the position ‘Law Accountant’

Enter the remainder of the details as requested.

If the law accountant has a login from another firm, entering the same details will allocate the same username and password. When a law accountant with access to multiple firms logs in they will be asked to select the firm for which they plan to do work for.

Screenshot of Legal Aid Online System showing the CREATE USER screen.

Some firms already allow law accountants access to their cases using Legal Aid Online by setting them up as a non-practitioner user of the firm. This is entirely at the firms’ discretion and it is a matter for the individual firms to be satisfied about the level of access they give to the law accountant and to ensure that the data is dealt with securely.

This new user set up will provide additional security for firms by restricting access to specified case details.

We would encourage law accountants and solicitors to discuss this new access and the benefits to you both by using this new law accountant access available on LAOL.

For further information or to arrange a webinar for this or any of the existing live account products, please contact:
Christine Connerton, Digital Services Marketing Officer:

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