Guidance for immigration and asylum practitioners

We are aware that practice and approach can vary in terms of how practitioners carry out different threads of immigration and asylum work.

This has caused uncertainty about how some work activities can be charged for.

This update points to guidance that provides clarity on how the fees tables should be applied when charging for certain work activities and aligns with the recent publication of the legal aid accounts guidance.

Immigration & asylum accounts should be prepared in accordance with our Guidance for immigration and asylum practioners, which includes the following:

  • charging for a meeting with the client to complete Home Office forms online
  • charging for framing Home Office forms online where the client does not require to be present
  • charging for a meeting with the client to take their statement
  • charging for drafting legal submissions in support of Home Office applications
  • charging for uploading documents to the Home Office
  • charging for time based work activities
  • charging for lodging documents with the Tribunal
  • submitting interim claims for fees or outlays
  • how to bill and verify interpreters’ invoices.

More information

Please contact:

Eileen Grant

Accounts Assessment Manager
