Showing items: 1 - 10 of 27


VACANCIES: Part-time peer reviewers needed for Children’s Quality Assurance Scheme

8 May 2024

We are recruiting solicitors to join our panel of peer reviewers.


New Regulations: extending children’s duty scheme to cover movement restriction condition hearings; amending counsel’s fees for accommodation and subsistence and introducing fee for written submissions in criminal first instance proceedings

25 April 2024

Update on changes from the Legal Aid (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 (, which come into force on 30 April 2024


Upcoming research with recipients of Children’s legal assistance

19 March 2024

We’ve commissioned independent research to explore the experience of children’s legal assistance and having a solicitor present at Children’s panel hearings.


Qualitative research with Children’s legal assistance solicitors

18 May 2023

Qualitative research with solicitors who provide Children’s legal assistance will take place June 2023 to further explore experiences Hearings system.


Fee applicable for framing citations in Adults With Incapacity and Children’s legal aid cases

6 March 2023

We have amended our legal aid guidance on the framing of court forms for citations in Adults with Incapacity (AWI) and Children’s legal aid cases


Participation Individual’s at children’s hearings and pre hearing panels – ABWOR to be available

19 January 2023

The Legal Aid and Advice and Assistance (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2023 come into force on 23 January 2023


Survey of solicitors providing children’s legal aid

27 October 2022

We are undertaking a survey of solicitors providing children’s legal aid to explore experiences of providing legal aid.


Ensuring valid application for participation individuals at Children’s Hearings – no availability of ABWOR at present

16 June 2022

The correct procedure for applying ABWOR for legal representation of siblings seeking to exercise their rights under section 25 of Children (Scotland) 2020 Act


New Children’s policies and decision-makers’ guidance published

9 December 2021

We have published the first policies and decision-makers’ guidance for Children’s Legal Aid as part of our Guidance on the Administration of Legal Aid project


Children’s team preparing for changes to age of criminal responsibility

22 November 2021

Legal assistance will be available from 17 December to defend three orders relating to the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019