Under section 28H of the Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986 you can submit a review application if:
We will consider such a review application. If the decision remains refused then the review procedure is at an end. However, we will consider a fresh application if further information in support of the application for children’s legal aid becomes available.
If you have been granted legal aid subject to a condition(s), you can ask us to review this at any time. You can do this by submitting a review application or if the full legal aid application has already been granted on review you can ask us to review a condition of that grant using an online message to avoid you having to submit a second or subsequent legal aid application.
Sheriff Court Applications for children’s legal aid
Find out how many legal aid applications you should submit in a case concerning multiple children, in context of conjoined court hearings under the 2011 Act.
Sheriff Court Applications for children’s legal aid
Find out how to determine if a child can apply for legal aid on their own behalf: assessing ‘general understanding of what it means to instruct a solicitor’.
Sheriff Court Applications for children’s legal aid
This page provides information on the statutory criteria we apply when assessing applications for children’s legal aid by children in sheriff court proceedings under the 2011 Act.
Sheriff Court Applications for children’s legal aid
Statutory criteria for assessing children’s legal aid (relevant or deemed relevant person as applicant) under 2011 Act: financial eligibility, reasonableness.
Sheriff Court Applications for children’s legal aid
Find out about the statutory application criteria for sheriff court appeal proceedings relating to deemed or undeemed relevant person status.
Sheriff Court Applications for children’s legal aid
Statutory assessment criteria for sheriff court appeal proceedings under 2011 Act where your client is a section 126 individual, incl. effective participation.
Sheriff Court Applications for children’s legal aid
Information and supporting documentation you need to send with a sheriff court legal aid application for various court hearing types under the 2011 Act.