Children’s legal aid is automatically available to a subject child (without the application of any merits or means test) where they are represented by a duty solicitor in the following hearings under the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011:
If you make an application to us for automatic legal aid as the duty solicitor for an MRC hearing, please select the ‘secure hearing’ type as we are unable at present to add this new hearing type to the list of hearings where a duty solicitor can act for the child.
If a subject child is due to appear at any such court or panel hearing and they are old enough to instruct a solicitor directly, SCRA informs us and we will make a solicitor available to act as a duty solicitor to represent the subject child. We will only make a duty solicitor available where the subject child does not already have their own solicitor of choice.
If you agree to act as a duty solicitor to a child then:
As there is no means or merits tests to be applied, this application will be processed quickly by us.
Where you are acting as the subject child’s solicitor of choice at one of the above hearings then:
When you provide ABWOR, no means and merits tests are applied so any ABWOR application you make will also be processed quickly.