Proceedings to which fixed payments apply


The Legal Aid and Advice and Assistance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Scotland) (No.2) Regulations 2023 came into force on 29 April 2023.
This Guidance item has been amended to reflect the new regulations.
For the regulations in force prior to 29 April 2023, please refer to the archive Guidance item.

Fixed payments apply to:

  • summary criminal legal aid granted by us in terms of section 24 of the 1986 Act
  • summary criminal legal aid granted by the court under section 23(1)(b) of the 1986 Act
  • automatic criminal legal aid where ABWOR is subsequently made available or summary criminal legal aid is subsequently granted
  • ABWOR in summary criminal proceedings under regulation 3(a) and regulation 6 of the 2003 ABWOR regulations, where you apply an interests of justice test as well as the means test
  • ABWOR provided by the appointed solicitor under regulation 3(a) and regulation 6A of the 2003 ABWOR regulations, subject only to a means test and regulation 7 of the Criminal Legal Assistance (Duty Solicitors) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 which prescribes the conditions under which a solicitor may act as an appointed solicitor.

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