Accounts submitted under advice and assistance or legal aid must be paid to you as ‘nominated solicitor’ in accordance with your legal aid payment mandate.
In circumstances where you move firm and continue to act on behalf of the assisted person you must submit a single final account at the conclusion of the proceedings for all work that has been reasonably done, including any work that was carried out at any previous firms.
The exception to this is where you have previously made an interim claim prior to 1 October 2022, and had to submit an account in support of that claim.
Where this applies any subsequent accounts must only include work that has not been claimed for in a previous account.
We will only make one payment to the firm that you, as nominated solicitor, direct us to make payment to.
We will not apportion payments.
It is important to note that any payments that may be due to a previous firm, whether in terms of contractual arrangements or any other agreements you may have with that firm, are your responsibility.
We have no involvement in this process.
If you instruct us to make payment of an account to a previous firm you must ensure that you leave your practitioner link open to that firm to allow us to do so.
It is your responsibility to close down payment links to any previous firms if you no longer wish us to make payment to a previous firm.
You should email where necessary to amend your payment details.
If you require further information or assistance with payments of accounts you should email us at
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