Your client may consult you about several different matters, either at the time of the initial grant or subsequently. You must decide whether the advice and assistance relates to one or more distinct matters in accordance with Regulation 8(2) (b) of the 1996 Regulations and our guidance.
You should generally make a single grant of advice and assistance, if necessary seeking an appropriate increase in authorised expenditure.
If you are acting for a relevant person in the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 proceedings and they have more than one child who is the subject of proceedings you only need to make one grant of advice and assistance to your one client.
You must charge for all work carried out for your client in respect of their children under one advice and assistance account only.
Occasionally there can be some exceptions to this general rule – for example, where a client’s children attend entirely separate hearings on separate dates and have different care concerns.
Separate grants are required in situations where:
the nominated solicitor giving the advice and assistance must make separate grants of advice and assistance in respect of each child as each separate child will be the solicitor’s client and therefore the named applicant (the relevant person or other non-solicitor representative will be making the advice and assistance application on behalf of the children and in a representative capacity but the advice and assistance given by the nominated solicitor will be to each child).
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
Find out how you must apply for children’s A&A, timescales for doing so, when different category codes are appropriate and who may make applications.
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
Find out when you need a fresh grant of A&A for your client and how far you can act under one grant throughout the children’s hearing process.
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
This page includes information on the limit of authorised expenditure in A&A. It covers what the limit is, how you can apply for an increase, our process for reconsidering a rejected request for an increase, urgent telephone requests for increases and the availability of retrospective increases.
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
Find out about the likelihood and implications of your client being subject to property recovered or preserved (clawback) provisions under Children’s A&A.