We require specific information in connection with an increase in authorised expenditure for the employment of counsel, professional and expert witnesses.
You need our specific authority to incur the cost of such an outlay, not just the level of expenditure sufficient to meet the anticipated costs. You need sufficient expenditure to meet the VAT element of the fee as well as the estimated fee.
It is particularly important to keep a careful watch on the level of anticipated expenditure and to ensure that you and counsel are covered at all times during the case.
Information needed and factors taken into account
The use made of counsel under advice and assistance tends to be limited.
You can ask for increases:
If you are seeking an increase for an opinion of counsel:
In considering your request we will take into account the following factors:
There is perhaps more scope for the employment of counsel under ABWOR:
Opinion of counsel covered by existing certificate
At first instance, the existing legal aid certificate will cover an Opinion from junior counsel (or senior counsel if senior was instructed with our approval) on the prospects of success of an appeal.
Use of counsel under A&A
A request for senior counsel under advice and assistance should be for advice on a very complex, significant or novel point of law.
We can only grant an increase under advice and assistance for an expert to provide a report for the purpose of giving advice to your client. Not for the purpose of giving evidence in court which is clearly a step in instituting, conducting or defending proceedings.
If you seek an increase to employ an expert, you should provide:
In addition you should explain:
You must get our prior approval before instructing an expert. You should make the expert aware of the maximum level of expenditure available and that it must not be exceeded without our further approval.
In the unusual event that you need to instruct an expert, it is normally more expensive to employ an expert who is located some distance from your office.
If you seek to employ such an expert, you should provide details of:
Advice and assistance application procedures
Learn how to an increase in authorised expenditure for ABWOR cases for post-conviction breaches & reviews, multiple deferred sentences and template increases.