Employment of counsel, expert witness, unusual work or unusually large expenditure

Employment of Counsel

Counsel in the UKSC, High Court and Sheriff Appeal Court

The employment of junior counsel is automatic.

Except where the proceedings relate to a prosecution or conviction for murder you require our prior approval in the UKSC, High Court or Sheriff Appeal Court for the employment of senior counsel alone, of senior counsel with junior counsel, or of more than one junior counsel.

Where you are instructing counsel in the UKSC, High Court and Sheriff Appeal Court both advocates and solicitor advocates can be paid as counsel.

Counsel in the Sheriff Court and JP Court

You must obtain our approval for the employment of counsel in the sheriff court and JP court.  Counsel must be a member of the Faculty of Advocates.

It is important that you are aware that there is no provision to instruct a solicitor advocate in any criminal proceedings before the Sheriff Court or JP Court.

If you instruct a solicitor advocate in those courts we can only make payment at the prescribed legal aid rates for a solicitor and only where they are registered to provide criminal legal assistance.

We cannot make payment in accordance with the prescribed rates for counsel.

Advice and Assistance account

You cannot simply delegate work to counsel within the authorised limit of expenditure where you find yourself with sufficient funds.

However, you may apply for an increase in authorised expenditure to cover the cost of counsel for work such as:

  • an opinion
  • a consultation.


You cannot simply delegate work to counsel within the authorised limit of expenditure where you find yourself with sufficient funds.

However, you may apply for an increase in authorised expenditure to cover the cost of counsel for work such as:

  • an opinion
  • a consultation
  • providing representation.

Unauthorised use of Counsel

We will challenge any account entry which indicates that you have instructed counsel in circumstances where our prior approval is required for their employment.

Where unauthorised counsel has been employed we will not pay for any of the costs of counsel, including:

  • consultations
  • any of the costs incurred by you or an unqualified person in attending at court or at the tribunal with counsel.

Employment of an expert witness and work of an unusual nature or likely to involve unusually large expenditure

Legal Aid

You must obtain our prior approval for the employment of any expert witness and for work of an unusual nature or likely to involve unusually large expenditure (eg where the work is likely to exceed £2,000).

Advice and Assistance

You cannot simply instruct an expert or undertake unusual work or work unusually large in expenditure within the authorised limit of expenditure where you find yourself with sufficient funds.

You must obtain an increase in authorised expenditure to employ an expert witness, and for work of an unusual nature or likely to involve unusually large expenditure.

Scope for retrospective approval

Legal Aid

An application can be made for retrospective approval for the employment of counsel, an expert witness, for work of an unusual nature or, as the case may be, work likely to involve unusually large expenditure in circumstances where that employment or work would have been approved had it been applied for timeously and there was special reason why prior approval was not applied for.

You should refer to the Applications guidance for more information.

Advice and Assistance

There is no scope for any retrospective increases in relation to the employment of counsel, an expert witness, for work of an unusual nature or likely to involve unusually large expenditure in the event that you have not obtained an increase prior to the work having been done.

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