This is available on Legal Aid Online.
When to use: It is for cases where your client is the only person concerned in accordance with our regulations and they are in receipt of or included in their partner or spouses’ award of, one of the following benefits:
“Person concerned” means the person whose disposable income, disposable capital, and maximum contribution are to be determined or the person whose resources are to be treated as the resources of any other person, under our Regulations.
Your client must complete this form in full, include evidence where requested and sign the form, (unless you cannot get their signature in a case of special urgency and want us to consider using our discretion to allow your signature).
Forms are available on the Accounts and Financial forms page
Some people may need help in completing these forms.
Please encourage them to contact our Financial Assessment Unit on 0131 240 2082 if they would like to speak to someone about completing them.
These forms should be returned to you, for submission with the solicitor’s application form.
Before asking the applicant to sign any forms, you must ensure that they have a copy of the leaflet Civil legal aid – information for applicants. You should also ensure that they understand the implications of receiving a grant of legal aid.