Advice and assistance is available, without contribution for your client if they are directly or indirectly receiving:
Further to this, A&A is available to your client if their disposable income and disposable capital (for the seven days up to and including the date of application) are below the specified limits.
Advice and assistance is also available, subject to payment of a contribution, to your client whose disposable income is within the limits specified in regulations. You must take into account their total income, net of tax and national insurance, from all sources for the seven days immediately preceding the application.
Your client may have to pay a contribution. This is based on your client’s disposable income. You collect it and do not pay it to us. Whether you collect the contribution is your own decision. You may ask for it in one payment or by instalments or decide to forgo it. If you put in a claim for payment of fees and outlays out of the Fund, we will deduct the contribution from your account regardless of whether you actually collect it.
The limits of disposable income and disposable capital, which determine whether your client is eligible and whether a contribution is due, are specified in regulations and are normally up-rated each year.
To help you assess eligibility we publish a Keycard that contains a summary of the assessment rules, the current income and capital limits and the table of contributions.
You should get documentary evidence of your client’s financial position and tell us what this evidence was.
If you cannot get documentary evidence when you admit your client to advice and assistance, you should see it before applying for an increase unless you can show there is real urgency.
We would recommend that you should see the following:
For income
For capital – even if your client is in receipt of a passported benefit
We appreciate that in some circumstances your client may not have documentary evidence available when consulting you. You may be satisfied from the limited information available but you must still seek verification from your client at the earliest opportunity.
Once you have this evidence you should tell us what this was. Keep a copy of this verification on file, so that it can be seen at peer review or at a compliance inspection by us.
If you have not seen any evidence or provided a satisfactory reason, you may not be paid for the work undertaken including any outlays.
See our guidance on solicitor and applicant signatures.
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
Find out how you must apply for children’s A&A, timescales for doing so, when different category codes are appropriate and who may make applications.
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
Find out when you need a fresh grant of A&A for your client and how far you can act under one grant throughout the children’s hearing process.
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
This page includes information on the limit of authorised expenditure in A&A. It covers what the limit is, how you can apply for an increase, our process for reconsidering a rejected request for an increase, urgent telephone requests for increases and the availability of retrospective increases.
Advice and Assistance Application Procedures
Find out about the likelihood and implications of your client being subject to property recovered or preserved (clawback) provisions under Children’s A&A.