If not already agreed, our auditor will contact your agency as soon as possible after receiving the information from the Scottish Government and agree a date for a desktop audit review in the following quarter depending on auditor availability.
The auditor will also explain what information you will need to provide and when.
There will be a commitment by all agencies to ensure that all actions, requests, and documentation requested and agreed with the SNSIAP audit function is provide in the agreed timelines.
Failure to comply with these requirements will result in an agencies application for accreditation to be stopped, which where appropriate will result in the organisation being removed from the list of accredited agencies immediately or when the current accreditation lapses.
Agencies will then be required to make a further application for accreditation to the Scottish Government and the SNSIAP audit function will determine when or if this would be able to be conducted, dependent on your previous peer review outcome dates and capacity of the SNSIAP audit function.