Payment of Principal Sums
SLABPAY cannot be used to make payments of Principal Sums at the moment.
If you wish to make a payment to the Principal Sum Teams please call 0131 240 2141 or 0131 240 2006.
Make an online payment to the Collections Team towards the cost of your case using SLABPAY
The secure portal allows you to make either partial or full payment for any payment due to the Collections Team.
Payments are processed by Worldpay.
If you are on an agreed payment plan please ensure you are paying the correct amount by referring to the last letter we sent to you.
Please call the Collections Unit Team on 0131 240 2144 if you are unsure of:
Please note: previous users of SLABPAY may notice new additional security to this service. This is to give both you and us more protection when making online payments.
When making a payment you need to include your:
After you enter your details you should click ‘Make Payment’.
You will then be redirected to Worldpay where you can enter your card details and confirm payment.
Please contact the Collections Team on 0131 240 2144 if you have any questions about SLABPAY.