The purpose of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee is to consider the remuneration of the Board’s senior staff and to take an overview of appointments and remuneration issues.

Specifically the committee will:

  • agree the Board’s pay remit to be submitted to the Scottish Government
  • consider the strategic implications of staff pay and reward policies including pensions arrangements for the Board
  • consider remuneration and terms and conditions for the Chief Executive and Directors, including annual bonuses
  • consider and advise, in consultation with the Chief Executive, appraisals and succession planning for the Executive Team.
  • consider and advise, in consultation with the Chairman, the annual appraisal and objectives of the Chief Executive.

Committee Members

Board Members

Brian Baverstock

Board member; Convener of Remuneration & Appointments Committee

Board Members

Stephen Humphreys

Board member

Board Members

Dr William (Bill) Moyes
