The purpose of the Legal Assistance Policy Committee is to assist with:

  • the review and development of policies on the administration of the legal aid funding
  • relevant advice to Ministers in line with the Authority Framework.

In doing so, the Committee will provide oversight, insight and advice. It will also provide assurance to the Board on the quality of SLAB’s policy and advice-giving functions.

The Committee will:

(a) consider reviews of policy or policy development and related guidance. This will be dependent on the extent to which that policy review or policy development presents risks or challenges to feasibility, viability or desirability. This will be determined by the Executive during the policy development process.

(b) consider advice for the Scottish Government which contains SLAB’s preferred option for the development of publicly funded legal advice and/or the Board’s role in the same.

(c) carry out all other relevant activities as shall be deemed appropriate or as requested by the Board.

(d) report annually and as may be required on the work of the Committee and any other significant issues to the Board.

(e) act as a decision maker in review applications arising from cases initially decided by the Legal Service Cases Committee, or in cases otherwise referred to it by the Legal Services Cases Committee.

Committee members

Executive Team

Colin Lancaster

Chief Executive and Accountable Officer

Board Members

Raymond McMenamin

Board member

Board Members

Stephen Humphreys

Board member

Board Members

Judith Robertson

Board member

Board Members

Gerry Bann

Board member

Board Members

William Cowan

Board member (non-legal)