Research publications

Our research unit collects views and experiences from people about legal aid and the work of the organisation.

We carry out research with people who apply or might apply for legal assistance and with professionals who are involved or have an interest in the provision of legal aid.

We also review existing evidence on legal aid and justice issues in Scotland and in other countries.

Annual research programme: Set each year this outlines our intended work. Details of larger projects are given in the website’s news section as they happen.

Research methods: These vary, ranging from a few days reviewing literature to face to face interviewing and large scale surveys. We also commission research where necessary.

Publications: The outputs from our work can also vary greatly. They include traditional reports and papers or they may be simply a recommendation or table of figures.

For more information on our research or to discuss any of our current or planned projects please contact us.

  • Data security and online surveys

Published Research

Legal aid and stakeholder research

File Type Size
2020-21 Briefing: Research on use of interim fees during Covid-19 restrictions 304 KB | 3 June 2021 PDF 304 KB
2021 Survey of private practice legal aid clients 498 KB | 6 April 2022 PDF 498 KB
2021 Survey of PDSO clients 576 KB | 6 April 2022 PDF 576 KB
2021-22 Report: Civil private practice client survey 811 KB | 26 October 2022 PDF 811 KB
2021 Survey of CLAO clients and contacts 526 KB | 1 November 2022 PDF 526 KB
Access to legal aid during the pandemic 465 KB | 13 December 2022 PDF 465 KB
May 2023: Interim research summary - Children’s legal assistance 125 KB | 18 May 2023 PDF 125 KB

Previous legal aid and stakeholder research

File Type Size
Recruitment and Retention of Lawyers - Full Findings Report 2009 2 MB | 26 March 2009 DOC 2 MB
Landscape Review of Publicly Funded Legal Assistance 2014 480 KB | 25 March 2014 PDF 480 KB
Solicitor Contact Line (SCL) Client Survey 2016 - Research Briefing 317 KB | 26 March 2016 DOCX 317 KB
Solicitor in the Children's Hearings System - Full Research 2016 2 MB | 26 March 2016 PDF 2 MB
Solicitor in the Children's Hearings System - Executive Summary 2016 809 KB | 26 March 2017 PDF 809 KB
PDSO Client Satisfaction Survey - Report 2017 853 KB | 26 March 2017 PDF 853 KB
Civil Legal Aid Applicants Survey - Findings Report 2017 2 MB | 26 March 2017 PDF 2 MB
Making Advice Work - Evaluation Report 2017 1 MB | 26 March 2017 PDF 1 MB
Civil Solicitor Survey - Findings Report 2017 449 KB | 26 March 2017 PDF 449 KB
Criminal Solicitor Survey 2017 - Findings Report 464 KB | 26 March 2017 PDF 464 KB
Criminal Applicant Survey - Research Briefing and Topline Results 2018 300 KB | 26 March 2018 PDF 300 KB
Child Contact Dispute - Findings Report 2019 1 MB | 26 March 2019 PDF 1 MB
SLAB Equalities Outcomes Report Nov 2019 1 MB | 12 February 2020 DOCX 1 MB
Rural access to legal services Literature Review 2020 1 MB | 2 November 2020 PDF 1 MB
SLAB civil solicitors survey report 2020 1 MB | 2 November 2020 PDF 1 MB

Alternative Dispute Resolution

File Type Size
International Literature Review of Alternative Dispute Resolution 381 KB | 25 March 2019 DOCX 381 KB
Overview Report of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Scotland 397 KB | 25 March 2019 DOCX 397 KB