Client Legal Services

Client Legal Services (CLS) is Scotland’s largest multi-disciplinary legal aid practice with a network of publicly funded solicitors and support staff employed by the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB).

Our aim is to deliver high quality criminal and civil advice, assistance and representation services that improve outcomes for our clients and service users. This is delivered through our three services:

  • The Public Defence Solicitors’ Office (PDSO)
  • The Solicitor Contact Line (SCL)
  • The Civil Legal Assistance Office (CLAO)

The variety of work we cover means that we can promote joined up working to meet the varied needs of our clients.

We encourage legal learning and development. Our inhouse CPD Programme includes an array of external speakers, delivering an interesting and varied series of presentations throughout the year. In addition, there are opportunities for all our colleagues to provide training to external stakeholders and participate in the university and school training initiatives we are involved in.

The Civil Legal Assistance Office (CLAO)

With offices in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness, we help those facing the most significant barriers and inequalities access legal services.

We provide publicly funded legal aid assistance in a range of matters such as eviction, homelessness, housing disrepair, public family law, mental health and adults with incapacity. Our solicitors regularly appear in Sheriff Courts, Children’s Hearings, Mental Health Tribunals and other decision-making forums throughout Scotland.

For cases that our solicitors cannot assist with directly, we still aim to help people with their civil law problems. We provide a referral and signposting service to other firms in private practice and agencies that we work with across Edinburgh & Lothians, Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire, Highland & Islands, and Argyll & Bute.

We also support the work of third sector and advice agencies by providing them with legal guidance on cases and delivering legal training; our solicitors are directly involved in developing strategic partnerships and project work to promote access to justice within the communities that we serve.

To find out more about the different geographic locations we cover and the varied work that we do, visit

The Public Defence Solicitors’ Office (PDSO)

We are a team of publicly funded specialist criminal defence solicitors. We deal with all types of criminal case from minor road traffic offences to the most serious charges in the High Court. We provide advice and representation to people accused with criminal offences who are eligible for legal aid.

We can represent clients in any court in the country from our eight offices across Scotland: Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Dundee, Falkirk, Ayr, Orkney and Aberdeen.

We take a holistic approach with our clients, which means that as well as dealing with their criminal case we will also assist and sign post them to help for issues which may be underpinning their offending behaviour.

To find out more about us, visit

The Solicitor Contact Line (SCL)

SCL Logo
We are a team of publicly funded criminal defence lawyers who provide dedicated advice and representation, 24-hours a day, to people arrested at police stations.

Our duty is to provide the best possible legal advice by telephone or in person and to take any reasonable steps to protect the welfare and wellbeing of any person in police custody.

Enabling rights and access to help for clients; supporting staff in a rewarding, positive work environment

The CLS Directorate aims to deliver services that enable people to exercise their rights and live in a fair society that respects the rule of law. All of our services are designed with our customers’ needs in mind and we are always seeking ways to improve how we deliver them.

Our people are valued and supported to deliver their best and fulfil their potential. We are committed to our Public Sector Equality Duties and always promote the values of equality, diversity and sustainability in every area of our work.