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The Scottish Legal Aid Board administers several arrangements whereby a prospective client looking to instruct a solicitor in private practice on a legal aid basis is referred to a solicitor within a practice unit, in accordance with the client’s wishes, for consideration by the solicitor as to whether the solicitor is willing and able to undertake the contemplated work, and proceed to accept instructions.
In the event that SLAB through one of its departments intimates a potential referral to your practice unit, and in so doing shares personal data relating to the prospective client with you, you in turn agree:
1. (a) that in the event you proceed to establish a solicitor client relationship with the person referred, you will put in place sufficient measures so as to comply fully with prevailing data protection legislation as data controllers of all personal data you hold relating to the client, no matter how obtained;
(b) that in the event you do not proceed to the point of accepting instructions that you will, as soon as you are aware that you will not be instructed or that it can be reasonably concluded from a lack of response from the person referred (which will be deemed to be established by the passage of 28 days from the date of referral with no further communication), either:• (i) delete all personal data transmitted to you by SLAB in relation to the person referred and confirm to us in writing that you have done so;
or• (ii) retain such personal data as you then do only on the basis that you have satisfied yourself that you have a lawful basis for doing so and do so in accordance with data protection law;
2. upon your receipt of any data from us and until such time as it is established whether (a) or (b) applies you will take all appropriate measures to keep the data secure and confidential.