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Find a solicitor

Use our Solicitor Finder tool below to search for registered solicitors who may be able to provide advice and represent you. You can only apply for legal aid through a solicitor. We do not provide legal advice.

Please note: solicitors can decide if they are able to take your case or not - even if they are registered for legal aid. More information: Find a solicitor FAQs

What type of legal aid assistance do you need?

Search Active Solicitors only?

If you select Yes, the search results will only include those solicitors who have practiced matching cases during the past 12 months.

If you select No, the search results will also include solicitors who have told us they do matching cases but have not done any during the past 12 months.

Accessibility Requirements

Your Location

Edinburgh Your location has been automatically set as: Edinburgh, Scotland. If your exact location cannot be detected, or when your location is outside Scotland, distances will be measured from Edinburgh City Centre.

Your location has been automatically set as: Edinburgh, Scotland. If your exact location cannot be detected, or when your location is outside Scotland, distances will be measured from Edinburgh City Centre.

You can use this website to auto detect your current geolocation. Note that the page will refresh should you choose this option. Alternatively, you can manually search for a location (in Scotland).

Auto Detect Your Location Manually Choose Your Location

Enter a region, town or postcode, in Scotland. Note, this tool may take a couple of seconds to apply.


How would you like results to be displayed?

You must select a type of assistance, and provide your location, before continuing.

Are you a solicitor?

Solicitors must be registered with us to provide legal assistance.  See our Solicitor registers.

Solicitors can notify us of changes to their details on this page.

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