Legal assistance is not always free and sometimes you will need to make a contribution towards the cost of your case.
Financial eligibility is just one of the tests for legal assistance. So even if you qualify financially there are additional tests which your case will need to satisfy.
You can use our eligibility estimators to work out if you are likely to qualify financially for legal assistance.
The type of legal assistance you apply for through a solicitor depends on the type of legal help you need. You can talk about this with your solicitor.
Please choose an eligibility estimator from one of the following three types of legal assistance which best describes the help you need:
This can help with the costs of getting legal advice from a solicitor, like information on your rights and options or help with negotiations and paperwork.
Check your financial eligibility using the advice and assistance eligibility estimator
If needed, a solicitor may be able to represent you in court. For example, if you have housing issues, you’re divorcing, have disputes about your children or need help with debt.
Check your financial eligibility using the civil legal aid eligibility estimator
If needed, a solicitor may be able to represent you at a Children’s Hearing. For example, if you’re a young person (or their parent/carer) asked to go to a hearing to sort out a problem.
Check your financial eligibility for using the children’s legal aid eligibility estimator
Use the Scottish Government’s Guide to legal advice and legal aid (link opens the external website) to find out about getting free help with legal problems, finding a solicitor and applying for legal aid.
Find out about the Opponent in a civil matter, why we contact them and what rights they have to give us information about an application for legal aid. Read more